Founded in 2003, SSDA is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, formally registered under relevant statutory laws of Afghanistan in 2007, envisioning to distinctly contributing to the sustainable development through working in the sectorial areas of civic education, WASH, Community Health, Community Empowerment, Livelihood, Agriculture, Peace, Human Rights, and promoting civil society organizations.

SSDA aims at bringing positive, harmonious, structural and behavioral change at institutional, organizational and community level that helps to nurture sustainable development.
SSDA values in diversity and inclusion of everyone in its intervention and believes in, participatory and right-based approach, where the rights of population are respected and promoted.
We seek to achieve our development vision, through promoting and practicing an integrated approach to sustainable development, encompassing the principles of:
- Participatory and rights based approach for development interventions
- Expand and scale up awareness on non-violence and education among rural communities
- Strengthen CSO organizations at grassroots level to ensure the local communities are aware of their rights, peace, security, democracy, harmonization and re-integration
- Behavioral change communication to identify and target vulnerable practices for sustainable development
- Introduction and promotion of appropriate technologies to crystallize change in largely dormant societies
- Productively engage children and young leaders as change agents through active learning methods/life skills based education/child to child communication for realization of behavioral changes for sustainable development